

1 不孝之子的故事

The Ungrateful Son

從前有一個人和他的女人坐在家門口, 面前擺著一隻燒雞, 正準備吃飯。

A man and his wife were once sitting by the door of their house,and they had a roasted chicken set before them, and were about to eat it together.

這時那人突然瞧見自己年邁的父親向他們走來, 便匆匆地把雞收起來藏好, 他不想與父親分享這一頓美味佳餚呢!

Then the man saw that his aged father wascoming, and hastily took the chicken and hid it, for he wouldnot permit him to have any of it.

老人來了, 只喝了口水便走了。 兒子又去把燒雞重新端上桌來, 可當他去端時, 發現雞已變成了癩蛤蟆。

The old man came, took a drink,and went away. Now the son wanted to put the roasted chicken onthe table again, but when he took it up, it had become a great toad.

蛤蟆猛地跳上他的臉, 便粘在那裡不再動了, 誰要去趕它, 蛤蟆就會惡狠狠地盯著他, 大有要跳到來者臉上之勢, 從此便無人膽敢再去碰它了。

Which jumped into his face and sat there and never wentaway again, and if any one wanted to take it off, it lookedvenomously at him as if it would jump in his face, so that noone would venture to touch it.


否則它就會咬他臉上的肉吃, 這樣這個忘恩負義的兒子再無安寧日子過了。

And the ungrateful son was forcedto feed the toad every day, or else it fed itself on his face;and thus he went about the world without knowing rest.

2 不孝之子的故事點評

尊老愛幼是中華民族的傳統美德, 故事裡的主人公連自己的父親都不尊敬, 遭受到了應有的懲罰, 這是他應得的。 這個故事告訴了我們, 在生活中要有禮貌, 尊重長輩, 關愛家人, 從現在做起, 從小事做起, 關心身邊的每一位朋友與親人, 讓自己的生命變的更加有意義, 讓這個世界更加美好。
