期盼已久的亞洲兒童藝術展即將展出, 在5月30日至6月1日的展會上, 將由參展的各個機構組織多種多樣的、豐富多彩的互動活動。 其中, 組委會在現場組織來參觀的小朋友繪畫, 并請到中國的青年畫家劉勇良和韓國的青年畫家鄭根浩現場指導, 講解繪畫知識、色彩及構思, 一定會對喜愛書畫藝術的少年兒童有所幫助和提高。
Chinese and Korean Young Artists Guide Chinese and Foreign Children Painting
Asian Children’s Art Show will be held from May 30th to June 1st. On the scene of the exhibition, various activities prepared by different institutions will appear. During the activities, Organizing Committee of Asian Children’s Art Show will organize the children paint on site. Young artists Liu Yongliang from China and Zheng Genhao from Kerea will guide children’s drawing on-site, and explain the skills of painting, color filling and picture constructing, which will be helpful for the children fond of art.
(Propaganda Department of Asian Children’s Art Show)