
伊索寓言故事雙語版:狐狸與鶴The Fox and the Crane

伊索寓言故事狐狸和鶴, 這個故事告訴我們, 人與人之間需要更多的真誠, 而不是自以為是的小聰明, 沒有一個人會願意活在欺騙與虛假中, 以牙還牙, 你對他人不善, 也不要奢求他人與你為善。 真誠地面對每一個人, 你會得到許多。

The Fox and the Crane were good friends, but a few days ago they had a big fight.

狐狸與鶴曾經是好朋友, 但是幾天前他們大吵了一架。

Mrs.Crane used to be best friend , But she isn’t anymore. How can I trick her? I want to make her angry.

鶴太太曾經是我最好的朋友, 但是她再也不是了。 我要如何作弄他呢?我要把她惹火。

Mr. Fox thinks and thinks.


Ah ha ! I have a great idea!Ha!ha!ha!This will be fun.


Mr.Fox telephones Mrs.Crane.




Hello, This is Mr.Fox, how have you been?

喂, 我是狐狸先生, 近來好嗎?


Very weii, thank you. Why are you calling? I’m very busy.

很好呀, 謝謝你!你為什麼打電話給我?我很忙的。

Come to my house for lunch. I will prepare a delicious dish.


Really? Why!


I want to be your friend again, So please come.

我想再做你的朋友, 所以請你來我家。

Ok, I will. Where is your house?

好的, 我會的, 你家在哪裡呀?

Walk shraight doen the road. Turn left at the first cherry tree. You will see my house, It has a white fence.

那條路一直走下去, 在第一顆櫻桃樹哪兒左轉, 你就會看到我家, 有白色柵欄的那家。

Okay, what time shall I come?

好的, 我什麼時候到呢?

Come at twelve o’clock, Don’t be late.

12點, 不要遲到了。

Crane: Don’t worry. I will be on time.

別擔心, 我會準時的。

Mrs. Crane puts down the telephone. She is very excited.

鶴太太掛上了電話, 她非常的興奮。

Crane: I wonder what Mr. Fox is cooking?


I am going to skip breakfast.


Mrs. Crane skips breakfast so that she can have a big lunch at Mr. Fox’s house. She finds the house with the white fence.

鶴太太跳過早餐不吃, 好讓她能在狐狸先生家好好大吃一頓。

Crane: Look! There is Mr. Fox’s house. I found it. I can smell something delicious.

看!狐狸先生的家就在那裡。 我找到了。 我可以聞到美食的味道。

Mrs. Crane knocks at the door and Mr. Fox opens it.

鶴太太敲敲門, 然後狐狸先生開了門。

Fox: Oh, come in, Mrs. Crane.

啊, 請進, 鶴太太。

Crane: Thank you for your invitation.


Fox: Thank you for coming.


I prepared a delicious dish for you.



Crane: Yes, I can smell it.

是的, 我可以問得出來。

Fox: Please sit down.


Mrs. Crane sits down at the table, but she only sees a wide plat plate. Mrs. Crane has a long and narrow beak, so she can’t eat anything on a plate. She becomes a little worried. Mr. Fox brings in the soup from the kitchen.

鶴太太坐在桌子旁。 但是他只看到一個又大又扁的盤子。 和太太又一個又長又扁的嘴。 所以她不能在盤子上吃東西。 他開始有點擔心, 狐狸先生從廚房端出了湯。

Fox: Here you are. Enjoy your soup. It is very delicious.


Crane: Okay. I will.

好的, 我會的。

Mrs. Crane tries to eat the soup in the dish, but she can only eat very little because of her sharp beak.


Fox: Why aren’t you eating? Isn’t it delicious?


Crane: Yes, it is. But I eat very slowly.

不, 很好喝。 只是我吃得慢而已。

Fox: I didn’t know.

Mmmm…是這樣啊。 嗯

Mr. Fox finished his soup, but Mrs. Crane ate almost nothing. Mrs. Crane is very hungry right now.

狐狸先生喝完了他的湯, 但是鶴太太幾乎都沒有喝到什麼。

Fox: Why didn’t you finish your soup? You don’t like soup?

為什麼你不喝完你的湯呢? 你不喜歡湯嗎?

Crane: Yes, I like soup. But I am not very hungry today.

不, 我喜歡湯。 只是我今天不是很餓。

Fox: Too bad. The soup was very good. I’m full。

那太糟糕了。 這湯真的很好喝呢!我已經飽了。

Crane: I must go home now. Bye-bye.

我必須回家了。 再見!

Fox: Come again. Next time, I will cook you something more delicious. Bye.

再來作啊!下次我還會為你準備更好吃的東西。 再見!

Mrs. Crane runs home. She is very hungry. She goes home and drinks a bottle of milk. Mrs. Crane is very angry.

鶴太太跑回了家, 她非常的餓。

她回到家並且喝了一瓶牛奶。 鶴太太非常的生氣。

Crane: Mr. Fox tricked me. I am very mad. What shall I do? Hmm…I have a great idea!

狐狸先生戲弄了我。 我很惱。 我該怎麼辦?嗯…我有個好主意!

The next day, Mrs. Crane telephones Mr. Fox.

第二天, 鶴太太給狐狸先生撥了一個電話。

Fox: Hello.喂?

Crane: Mr. Fox, this is Mrs. Crane. Thank you for lunch yesterday.

狐狸先生, 我是鶴太太。 謝謝你昨天招待的午餐。

Fox: It was nothing. So why did you call?沒什麼。


Crane: This time, I want to invite you for lunch. I am preparing your favorite dish.

這次我想要請你到我家吃午餐。 我正在準備你最愛吃的東西。

Fox: Really? I know the way to your house. I will come right away.

真的嗎?我知道怎麼去你家。 我馬上就到。

Mr. Fox rushes to Mrs. Crane’s house. He smells fish outside the house.

狐狸先生快速沖到鶴太太的家。 他在屋子外聞到了魚的香味。

Fox: I can smell fish, my favorite dish. I’m so hungry.

我可以聞到魚的香味, 我最愛吃的東西。 我好餓呀!

(Mr. Fox wets his mouth and strokes his stomach.)

(狐狸先生舔了舔嘴巴, 還拍了拍他的肚子)

Mrs. Crane opens the door.


Crane: Mr. Fox, welcome! You came very quickly. Are you hungry?

狐狸先生, 歡迎, 歡迎!你來得好快呀。 你餓嗎?

Fox: Yes, I am. Can we eat now?

對呀, 我餓了。 我們現在可以吃了嗎?

Crane: Of course. I’ll bring in the fish right away.

當然, 我馬上就把魚端出來。

Mrs. Crane brings in the fish from the kitchen. But the fish is not on a plate. It is inside a long narrow bottle. Mr. Fox looks surprised. His eyes are about to pop out.


但是並不是放在盤子上。 而是在又長又窄的瓶子裡頭。 狐狸先生看起來非常吃驚。 他的眼睛快要爆出來了。

Crane: Let’s eat. Mmmm…Delicious, isn’t it, Mr. Fox?

讓我們吃吧。 嗯…好吃, 對不對呀?狐狸先生。

Fox: It looks very good.


Crane: But why aren’t you eating?


Fox: I will.我會的。 Mr. Fox tries to eat the fish, but he can’t get it out from the long, narrow bottle. Mr. Fox has a short mouth and tongue. He realizes his mistake, and can’t say anything.

狐狸先生試著要吃魚, 但是他卻無法將它們從又長又窄的瓶子中取出。 狐狸先生有的是短短的嘴巴和舌頭。 他認識到自己錯了, 而且不能說什麼。

Crane: This is the most delicious fish in the world. I will have another. How about you, Mr. Fox?

這真是世界上最好吃的魚了。 我要再來一些。 你呢, 狐狸先生。

Fox: No, thank you. I think I have a stomachache.

不了, 謝謝。 我想我肚子有點痛。

Crane: That’s too bad.


Fox: I must go home now.

我必須回家了, 再見。 Bye.再見。

Crane: Good-bye, Mr. Fox! Come again! Ha, ha, ha…

再見, 狐狸先生! 下次再來啊!哈, 哈, 哈…

Mr. Fox rushes home in shame. Mrs. Crane sees Mr. Fox running away and keeps on laughing.

狐狸不好意思地沖回家。 鶴太太看著狐狸先生跑掉了, 她不停地笑著。

MORAL:If you trick others, someday you will be tricked, too.

如果你愚弄別人, 有一天, 你也會被愚弄。

