The fox is sad at the death of the hare
Once a fox and a hare became friends with the purpose of defending themselves against their joint enemy,hunters,and swore to partake their fate for each other in weal or woe.One day as they were enjoying the natural beauty together in the fields,all of a sudden,a party of hunters came and the hare was instantly shot dead.The fox had a narrow escape.After the hunters had gone,the fox came and wept over the death of his mate.
從前, 有一隻兔子和一隻狐狸它們有一個共同的敵人就是獵人, 兔子和狐狸互相結盟, 發誓一定要同生死, 共患難。 有一天, 兔子和狐狸在田野裡享受大自然的美景的時候, 沒想到身邊竟然有一群獵人正對它們兩個虎視眈眈, 獵人一箭就射死了兔子, 狐狸僥倖逃脫。 獵人離開後, 狐狸就跑到兔子的身邊開始哭泣。
An elderly gentleman who happened to pass by was surprised at the scene.Curiously,he asked the fox the reason of her bitter weeping.
有一個人路過, 看見狐狸正對著兔子大哭, 感覺很奇怪, 就走上前問狐狸為什麼要哭。
The fox sorrowfully replied:"We are small animals and being the prey of hunters had planned to defend ourselves against our joint enemy,hunters,promising to partake our fate for each others in weal or woe.Now our enemy has killed my companion his death may mean the death of me tomorrow.We are real friends and real friends must share everything.How could I not help weeping!"
狐狸啜泣道:“我和兔子我們兩個都是森林中微小的動物, 都是獵人喜歡獵殺的物件,
"Oh,I see.You have good reasons to weep over the death of a partner," exclaimed the elderly gentleman.
路人聽後歎了歎氣說:“你為你的同盟, 你的好朋友哀悼和哭泣是有道理的。 ”
2 兔死狐悲的材料
【注音】tù sǐ hú bēi
【出處】元·馬鈺《蘇幕遮·看送孝》:“有微言;深可說。 兔死狐悲;傷類聲淒切。 ”
【解釋】兔子死了, 狐狸感到悲傷。 表示對同盟的死亡或不幸而感到傷心。
【例句】此時望著馮去疾的屍首, 他心裡非常痛楚, 而且有一種~的感覺。
3 兔死狐悲的點評
4 兔死狐悲的延伸
兔死狐悲”和“物傷其類”都有為同類的不幸而感到悲傷的意思。 但“兔死狐悲”所指的“同類”較為確定, 其涵蓋的範圍較“物傷其類”要小。
兔死狐悲,唇亡齒寒,飛鳥盡,良弓藏。 狡兔死,走狗烹的字面意思是:兔子死了, 狐狸會感到悲哀, 不是為兔子是為自己。 如果嘴唇沒有了, 牙齒就會寒冷。 如果飛鳥都被射殺了, 好弓就會被封藏起來, 狡猾的兔子被抓盡了之後, 就會把用以追捕的獵狗煮來吃。