

1 六一兒童節英語節目:英語話劇表演《小獅子找食物》


角色:雄獅、小獅, 小白兔一、小白兔二、小白兔三, 小熊一、小熊二、小熊三, 小松鼠一、小松鼠二、小松鼠三, 小女孩。

道具:雄獅、小獅、小白兔、三隻小熊和小松鼠頭套、紅蘿蔔、三個碗 、道具花生、道具蘋果一個。

背景:小樹、花、草 (可考慮做噴繪背景)

Act 1

雄獅:I am the lion, the king of the forest.No one is stronger than me.

小獅:Daddy! I’m hungry.

雄獅:Go and find your food.(手一揮, 指著遠處說)

小獅:I don’t know how. (膽小地說)

雄獅:Do it like me. (沖到台前, 張開嘴, 露出尖利的牙齒)

小獅:Yes, daddy.

Act 2 播放(Rabbit, rabbit, carrot eater)

三隻小白兔手捧著胡蘿蔔, 蹦蹦跳跳地跳了出來。

小獅(沖到小白兔面前):Rabbit! I am hungry.Roar, roar!(小聲地)

小白兔(一):Do you want some carrots? 小獅:Yes, please.

小白兔(二):Here you are。


小獅:Thank you.

小白兔(三):Carrots are the best food.

小獅:(吃了一口)Yuck! I don’t like it. Thank you, rabbit. (還紅蘿蔔給小白兔)

三隻小白兔:You are welcome. (三隻小兔蹦蹦跳跳地離開)

Act 3 播放Pease Porridge Hot

三隻小熊各拿著一碗粥, 搖搖擺擺, 唱著出來。

小獅:Hi, bears! I am hungry.

小熊(一):Do you want some porridge?

小獅:Yes, please.

小熊(二)遞給小獅一碗粥): Here you are.

小獅:Thank you.

小熊(三):Porridge is the best food.

小獅:(吃了一口, 燙得伸出了舌頭, 搖搖頭說)It’s too hot. I don’t like it.Anyway, thank you, bears. (將粥還給小熊)

小熊:You are welcome. (小熊們邊走邊唱”Pease Porridge Hot”離開)

Act 4 播放”Found a Peanut”

三隻小松鼠捧著花生, 邊走邊念著 found a peanut出場。

小獅:Hi, squirrel! I am hungry.

小松鼠(一):Do you want some peanuts?

小獅:Yes, please.

小松鼠(二)(小松鼠遞給小獅一些花生):Here you are.

小獅:Thank you.

小松鼠(三):Peanut is the best food.

小獅:(吃了一顆, 捂著嘴, 很痛的樣子) It’s too hard. I don’t like it. Anyway, thank you, squirrel. (將花生還給小松鼠)

小松鼠們:You are welcome. (邊走邊唱”Found a Peanut”離開) Act 5 播放”Apple Round”)

小女孩:Apple round. Apple red. Apple juicy., Apple sweet. Apple apple I love you. Apple sweet I love to eat.

小獅:Hi, little girl! I am hungry. Roar, roar! 小女孩:Oh, a lion! Help! Help! (嚇得驚慌失措, 蘋果掉地上, 飛奔而去)

小獅(撿起蘋果):What is it? (咬了一口) Mmm…, delicious! I like it. (小獅很高興地邊走邊唱”Apple Round”回家)

2 六一兒童節英語節目:英語朗誦表演《My father my hero》

My father my hero


My father was my hero, all throughout my life.

The father of eight children, he saw his share of strife.

When I was very little, he appeared to be so large.

In my eyes he could do anything, we all knew he was in charge.

He was a man of great strength both physically and in mind,

but in him there was a gentleness, he found ways to be outgoing and kind.

Many days of childhood were greeted with a kiss,

and songs to me as I awoke, those days I surely miss.

He made me feel so special, “Miss America” he would sing.

I knew I had my father's love. It gave me courage to do anything.

From him I learned to stand up tall, to be proud of who I am.

Strength and determination were the qualities of this fine man.

As the years of his life dwindled down5, that strength kept him alive.

Plus the unfailing determination to help my ailing mother have the care she needed to survive.

He loved her and his children, so much he gave up years of his life

caring for this woman, his soulmate, his wife.

Day and night he struggled for years with her disease.

A lesser man would have been brought down to his knees.

With illnesses of his own, he still stood by her side

caring for her and loving her until the day she died.

Twenty days later his own time was at an end.

I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend.

A few years have passed, and life just isn't the same.

But as Father's Day approaches, I will celebrate his name.

With prayers to him and God above to stay by my side,

to watch over me and guide me, to look down on me with pride.

For I am my father's daughter, one day we will meet again.

But until then I will remember, and the love will never end.

3 六一兒童節英語節目:英語合唱《雪絨花》


Edelweiss, Edelweiss

Every morning you greet me

Small and white, clean and bright

You look happy to meet me

Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow

Bloom and grow forever

Edelweiss, Edelweiss

Bless my homeland forever

small and white, clean and bright

you look happy to meet me

blossom of snow may you bloom and grow

bloom and grow forever

edelweiss, edelweiss

bless my homeland forever
















《Ants Go Marching》《Do-Re-Mi》《London Bridge》《Old Macdonald Had A Farm》

4 六一兒童節英語節目:英語動畫配音










一二年級的低齡段孩子最喜歡《朵拉》、《粉紅豬小妹》、《超級飛俠》等。 高年級的孩子則選擇了《冰雪奇緣》、《功夫熊貓》、《裡約大冒險》、《獅子王》等。 小學生們不僅對電影情節進行了生動模仿, 還融入了自身色彩, 詮釋了自己對角色的理解。

5 六一兒童節英語節目:英語小品表演


人物:農夫, 兔子A, 兔子B, 大樹。

農夫:I’m a farmer.(稍停頓)[走兩步]A cool farmer.(掏出墨鏡戴上)[冷酷地走兩步, 突然被絆了一跤, 繼續保持冷酷]Look!This is my modern mobile—iphone 10 plus !This is my watch!This is my new shoes!I’m so rich !(誇張語氣)

樹:I’m a tree!I can do many things!I can sing![做出瘋狂搖滾歌手的動作,

哼哼哈西!!!]I can dance![跳四小天鵝] Oh?There comes a rabbit! [引導觀眾看兔子A)。 樹站回後臺]

兔子A:OK,I’m a rabbit. Now I’m just walking around here. [農夫繼續鋤地, 邊鋤邊上場, 突然看見前面有個兔子]

農夫:(驚喜地)Lunch![扔掉癢癢撓]I will catch it! [偷偷摸摸地跟到兔子後面走] [農夫跟在兔子後面。 兩個人走啊走。 兔子突然回頭。 農夫假裝看手錶。 兩人繼續走。 兔子回頭。 農夫假裝看天氣。 兩人繼續走。 兔子回頭。 農夫假裝打手機。 兩人繼續走, 兔子回頭。 這次農夫冷酷地把槍口對準了兔子。 ]

兔子A:Wahhhh~!(嚇一跳)What do you want?

農夫:Huh…!I will kill U for lunch!

兔子A: Wah~~~~~~ [兔子跑, 躲到樹後面, 農夫追到樹前]

農夫:Where~ to go? Haha! [農夫開了一槍“砰”(配音)。 兔子在樹後驚慌躲閃, 沒被打到。 樹做出受傷中彈狀。 農夫又開槍, 同上。 農夫開始加快頻率, 火力密集地開槍。 兔子開始時驚慌躲閃, 躲著躲著跳起舞來。 樹繼續痛苦中彈狀。


兔子A:[自我陶醉中, 邊跳舞邊說]You can't hurt me! You can't hurt me!

樹:[痛苦萬分地]But…you…Hurt me….[痛苦地慢慢挪動到兔子背後] [兔子繼續興奮地跳舞。 農夫停止開槍, 走到兔子面前, 看著它。 兔子猛然抬頭發現]

農夫:Ah ha~! Bye bye ! [舉槍對準兔子, 開槍, 沒聲音, 看看槍, 示意沒子彈了。 兔子見狀, 非常興奮地大笑起來]

兔子A:Ha ha ha ha! You can’t kill me now! [興奮大笑, 笑到抽筋, 笑到後仰。 突然頭撞倒了後面的樹] Wa ![倒地]

農夫:OH! [很興奮地過去兩個手指提起兔子]My lunch , I caught you !!! [把兔子綁到樹上。 打呵欠]tired! I’ll eat you after sleeping.[倒地睡覺](打鼾的聲音)

兔子A:[兔子很快醒了, 看看四周, 發現自己被綁了, 很驚訝]Where am I? What happened?

樹:[指著農夫]He has caught you and wants to eat you.

兔子A:What?! I must leave here! But how can I escape?[東張西望, 看到農夫的手機]A mobile![解開繩子去看手機]It’s Nokia WC 250! Wow,how fashion![放回原處。 又自覺地把自己綁在樹上。 突然想起來]A mobile!Maybe I can call some one to help me! [又不知不覺地把自己放出來, 那起手機][做出打電話的樣子] (配音:撥電話) Hello?

兔子B:Hello!It’s Jenny.

兔子A:Hey Jenny!

兔子B:Oh,hey Mary!

兔子A:How are you?

兔子B:Fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents?

兔子B:They are fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle?

兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U?

兔子A:He’s fine , too! How…

兔子B:Eh..eh..eh~wait.But why do you call me? If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!

兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!

兔子B:But where are you?

兔子A:I’m under a tree!

兔子B:[邊打電話邊在附近走,經過兔子A面前,兩個人還沒發現]What can you see around you?

兔子A:I see a rabbit …that looks exactly like you!

兔子B:A rabbit…like me… OK!I’ll find you.Just a second!Wait for me! I will help you! [匆匆離開] [兔子A 打完電話,小心翼翼地把手機放回農夫處,然後又很自覺地要把自己綁回了樹上]

兔子A:Haha!My friend will come and save me~!yeah! [興奮過度,後仰,頭又撞倒樹上,倒地](虛弱地)Oh!Hurt! Call 110~Or 119?112?...Oh,forget it!I’m dying![作喉嚨卡住聲音,死去] [兔子B上。]

兔子B:I’m also a rabbit!I’m smart! I’m lovely! And I’m (作風情萬種)beautiful! (自我陶醉)[轉頭看自己右手邊,卻發現兔子A倒在地上]Oh,my!Mary![伏在兔子A身上](哭聲)I’m so sorry,Mary!I’m too late!5555555~~~~~~Mary![痛苦而誇張地轉身敲打樹]

樹:Oh!Oh,don’t hit me.!Don’t hit me!I’m ~~brea~ken![朝地上倒,壓倒兔子B]


[農夫一覺醒來。看見兩隻兔子] En..?Two rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one?!Oh,thanks god!How lucky I am![興奮地一手提一隻兔子,哼著小曲下場]

6 六一兒童節英語節目:英語手語歌表演/英語律動歌表演


Nod your head

Nod your head ,yes yes yes (點三下頭);

Shake your head , no no no (搖頭)

Raise youe hand ,one two three (舉右手伸手指示1、2、3);

Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3);

Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua (雙手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)

Look at her ,chua chua chua (指任一女小朋友),

Clap your hands pia pia pia (拍手三下)

Very good ,ha ha ha (雙手胸前繞圈,放嘴邊大笑)


One little,Two little,Three little fingers;

Four little,Five little,Six little fingers;

Seven little,Eight little,nine little fingers,Ten fingers on my hand!

Ten little,Nine little,Eight little fingers;

Seven little,Six little,Five little fingers,

Four little,Three little,Two little fingers, One finger on my hand!

兔子B:Hello!It’s Jenny.

兔子A:Hey Jenny!

兔子B:Oh,hey Mary!

兔子A:How are you?

兔子B:Fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:I’m fine too!How are your parents?

兔子B:They are fine,thank you.And U?

兔子A:They are fine,too!How is your uncle?

兔子B:He’s fine,thank you!And U?

兔子A:He’s fine , too! How…

兔子B:Eh..eh..eh~wait.But why do you call me? If you want borrow some money from me…NO WAY!!!

兔子A:No no no!I’m in danger now!Come and help me!!!

兔子B:But where are you?

兔子A:I’m under a tree!

兔子B:[邊打電話邊在附近走,經過兔子A面前,兩個人還沒發現]What can you see around you?

兔子A:I see a rabbit …that looks exactly like you!

兔子B:A rabbit…like me… OK!I’ll find you.Just a second!Wait for me! I will help you! [匆匆離開] [兔子A 打完電話,小心翼翼地把手機放回農夫處,然後又很自覺地要把自己綁回了樹上]

兔子A:Haha!My friend will come and save me~!yeah! [興奮過度,後仰,頭又撞倒樹上,倒地](虛弱地)Oh!Hurt! Call 110~Or 119?112?...Oh,forget it!I’m dying![作喉嚨卡住聲音,死去] [兔子B上。]

兔子B:I’m also a rabbit!I’m smart! I’m lovely! And I’m (作風情萬種)beautiful! (自我陶醉)[轉頭看自己右手邊,卻發現兔子A倒在地上]Oh,my!Mary![伏在兔子A身上](哭聲)I’m so sorry,Mary!I’m too late!5555555~~~~~~Mary![痛苦而誇張地轉身敲打樹]

樹:Oh!Oh,don’t hit me.!Don’t hit me!I’m ~~brea~ken![朝地上倒,壓倒兔子B]


[農夫一覺醒來。看見兩隻兔子] En..?Two rubbits! I rememer I have caught just one?!Oh,thanks god!How lucky I am![興奮地一手提一隻兔子,哼著小曲下場]

6 六一兒童節英語節目:英語手語歌表演/英語律動歌表演


Nod your head

Nod your head ,yes yes yes (點三下頭);

Shake your head , no no no (搖頭)

Raise youe hand ,one two three (舉右手伸手指示1、2、3);

Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3);

Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua (雙手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)

Look at her ,chua chua chua (指任一女小朋友),

Clap your hands pia pia pia (拍手三下)

Very good ,ha ha ha (雙手胸前繞圈,放嘴邊大笑)


One little,Two little,Three little fingers;

Four little,Five little,Six little fingers;

Seven little,Eight little,nine little fingers,Ten fingers on my hand!

Ten little,Nine little,Eight little fingers;

Seven little,Six little,Five little fingers,

Four little,Three little,Two little fingers, One finger on my hand!

  • 3回答


    專家認為少兒學習英語一般在三兩歲比較合適,這個時候是兒童學習語言最好的時期,不過這個年齡的孩子哪會有心去學東西呢?!所以想讓這年齡的孩子學英語的話,就必須使用一些能挑起孩子興趣的教材,讓他邊玩邊學,... [詳細答案]

  • 3回答


    我家熊孩子三個多月,用的是寶貝第一太空城堡,當初就是看中這款兒童安全座椅適合新生兒用才買的,反向安裝時座椅的傾斜角度可以調到第四檔,專門為新生寶寶設計的熟睡檔,寶寶穩穩地睡在座椅裡,很舒服的樣子~而... [詳細答案]

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    2016年兒童節時間為:2016年6月1日(星期三),不滿14周歲的少年兒童放假1天。 [詳細答案]

  • 1回答


    卡通背包:小孩還是比較喜歡卡通的,在這個時候,送給他們一個嶄新的背包,他們可能會很高興哦,對學習的興趣可能也會大增哦。系列:可以說每個小孩都喜歡的。現在很多玩具都融入了的元素,送上一份這樣的禮物,不... [詳細答案]

  • 1回答


    1、《兩隻老虎》歌詞:“兩隻老虎,兩隻老虎,跑得快,跑得快”,熟悉的旋律中,帶您的寶寶一起來體驗兒時的經典兒歌吧。動動手,伸伸腿,讓寶寶跟著可愛的動畫律動起來吧。2、小毛驢這首兒歌,是爸爸媽媽們孩童... [詳細答案]