
凱特王妃誕下王子 “劍橋王子”將是王位的第三順位繼承人

早前幾天, 關於凱特王妃的待產消息就傳遍了整個網路和新聞界, 更有不少媒體為了第一時間拿到王妃的產子消息, 24小時蹲守。 而今天一早, 就有媒體曝光英國王妃凱特已順利產下一位男嬰, 而這位王室寶寶的稱號則是“劍橋王子”, 據稱它將是英國王位的第三位順位繼承人。

The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby boy, Kensington Palace has announced。

肯辛頓宮宣佈, 凱特王妃順利產下一個男嬰。

The baby was delivered at 16:24 BST at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, west London, weighing 8lb 6oz。

小王子在當地時間16點24分出生在倫敦西部帕丁頓聖瑪麗醫院, 體重8磅6盎司(7.6斤)。

The Duke of Cambridge said in a statement the couple "could not be happier". He and the duchess will remain in the hospital overnight。

劍橋公爵在一份聲明中說他“從未如此幸福”。 他和凱特王妃將一起在留在醫院過夜。

The news has been displayed on an easel in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace in line with tradition。



A bulletin - signed by the Queen's gynaecologist Marcus Setchell, who led the medical team that delivered the baby - was taken by a royal aide from St Mary's to the palace under police escort。

這一公告由凱特王妃的接產醫師馬庫斯·塞切爾簽署, 他負責王妃分娩及孕期保健的醫療小組。 在警方護送下他隨皇家助手從聖瑪麗醫院轉移到肯辛頓宮。

The document said: "Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm today。

這份佈告稱:“尊敬的凱特王妃在今日下午4點24分順利誕下一個男嬰。 ”

"Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well."

“現在母子二人狀態良好。 ”

When the news was announced, a large cheer went up from well-wishers and journalists outside the hospital while a large crowd greeted the posting of the bulletin outside Buckingham Palace。

當消息傳出時, 醫院外面的祝福者和記者爆發出巨大歡呼聲, 還有一大群人則從白金漢宮外的佈告板上得知喜訊。

The Kensington Palace press release said the Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth of his son, who will be known as the Prince of Cambridge and who is third in line to the throne。

肯辛頓新聞稿稱孩子出生時威廉王子就在現場, 這位王室寶寶的封號是“劍橋王子”, 是英國王位的第三順位繼承人。
