


1、Met A Barber

He next met a barber,

With powder and wig,

He played him a tune,

And he shaved an old pig.

理髮師, 他碰著, 戴著假髮真時髦;

給他拉首開心點, 他給老豬剃豬毛。

2、Barney Bodkin

Barney Bodkin broke his nose,

Without feet we can't have toes;

Crazy folks are always mad,

Want of money makes us sad.

巴尼碰破大鼻子, 沒腳不能長腳趾;



3、A Little Betty

A Little Betty Blue,Lost her holiday shoe,

What can little Betty do?

Give her another,to match the other,

And then she may walk out in two.





4、A Little Fat Man Of Bombay

As a little fat man of Bombay

Was smoking one very hot day,

A bird called a snipe

Flew away with his pipe,

Which vexed the fat man of Bombay.






5、Charley Stole Barley

Charley, Charley,

Stole the barley

Out of the baker's shop.

the baker came out

And gave him a clout,

Which made poor Charley hop.

偷大麥, 偷大麥, 查理竟然偷大麥, 麵包房裡偷出來。

麵包師, 追上來, 用刀一拳打過來, 查理一瘸又一拐。

6、Round The Garden

Round and round the garden

Like a teddy bear;

One step, two step,

Tickle you under there.

花園裡面徜徉, 玩具狗熊一樣;

一步兩步走來, 給你撓撓癢癢。

7、For Whom?

Wine and cakes for gentlemen,

Hay and corn for horse,

A cup of ale for good old wives,

And kisses for young lasses.

美酒甜餅男人喜, 乾草苞米喂馬匹;

啤酒送給女當家, 親吻送給小女娃。

8、I Could

I would, if I could,

If I couldn't how could I?

Could you, without you could, could ye?

Could ye? could ye?

Could you, without you could, could ye?

我能我就做, 不能怎麼做?

我不能咋做? 你不能咋做?

咋做? 咋做? 你不能咋做?

9、Small Jerry

Jerry Hall,

He is so small,

A rat could eat him, Hat and all.

傑利個子小, 三塊豆腐高;

耗子吃掉他, 連人帶衣帽。  

10、Lucy Lost Pocket

Lucy Locker lost her pocket,

Kitty Fisher found it;

Not a penny was there in it,

Only ribbon round it.

露茜丟了錢袋, 基蒂撿到錢袋;

裡面分文沒有, 只有一根緞帶。

11、An Old Man

There was an old man,

And he had a calf,

And that's half;

He took him out of the stall,

And put him on the wall,

And that's all.

從前有個老頭, 他有一頭小牛,



把牛栓在牆頭, 兒歌已經到頭。

12、On Saturday Night

On Saturday night shall be my care

To powder my locks and curl my hair;

On Sunday morning my love will come in,

When he will marry me with a gold ring.

週六晚上事繁雜, 塗脂抹粉卷頭髮;

周日早晨情人到, 送我戒指娶回家。

13、He That Lies

He that lies at the stock,

Shall have a gold rock;

He that lies at the wall,

Shall have a golden ball;

He that lies in the middle,

Shall have a gold fiddle.

睡在床邊, 有塊金石頭;

睡在海邊, 有只金皮球; 

睡在中間, 有只金提琴。

14、Little Tommy Tucker

Little Tommy Tucker,

Sings for his supper:

What shall we give him?

White bread and butter.

How shall he cut it

Without a knife?

How will he be married

Without a wife?

湯米小夥子, 吃飯唱曲子:

給他什麼吃? 黃油和麵包。

要是沒有刀, 怎麼切面包?

至今沒媳婦, 怎麼當丈夫?

15、Did You See My Wife?

Did you see my wife, did you see,

Did you see my wife looking for me?

She wears a straw bonnet, wit white ribbons on it,

And dimity petticoats over her knee.

有沒看見我媳婦, 到處找丈夫?

草帽佩緞帶, 裙子到膝蓋。

  • 1回答


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