

要知道, 導致超重的因素有很多A number of factors contribute to overweight and obesity


基因、飲食方式, 或者二者結合都有可能導致超重, 有時內分泌問題和用藥不當也會導致孩子體重增加。 除此以外, 現在孩子們使用iPad、電腦、手機的時間不斷增加, 隨之減少的是出門運動的機會, 這也是導致超重的因素之一。

genetics, eating habits, or a combination of both, in some instances, endocrine problems, genetic syndromes, and medications can be associated with excessive weight gain. Nowadays, lifestyle is far more sedentary than ever before – kids spend more time playing with electronic devices, from computers to iPads to smart phones, than actively playing outside and this has contributed more to overweight and obesity then anything else before.

除了吃的健康, 孩子也應該動起來Aside from a healthy diet, kids should be more active.

通常來說, 小孩子每天需要保證有一小時的運動量, 這並不意味著必須一下子完成, 幾個十分鐘甚至是五分鐘的運動也是很好的。 要做到這點, 首先家長應該成為很好的榜樣, 才能激勵孩子運動起來;其次,

要鼓勵孩子參加體育訓練或者體育俱樂部, 比如籃球、舞蹈、足球;如果你的孩子不願意做太專業的運動的話, 可以鼓勵他們參加一些有趣味性的活動, 比如跳舞、跳繩、騎車。

Kids need about 60 minutes of physical activity a day, but this doesn't have to happen all at once. Several short 10- or even 5-minute periods of activity throughout the day are just as good. Parents should set a good example, by encouraging your child to join a sports team/club or class, such as basketball, dance, or soccer at school. If your child feels uncomfortable participating in activities like sports, you should try to help him or her find physical activities that are fun and not competitive, such as dancing to music, jumping rope, or riding a bike.


給孩子佈置一些家務勞動, 比如鋪床, 掃地和吸地。


早上在家播放明快的歌曲, 和孩子一起跟著歌曲蹦跳鍛煉5分鐘再出發。

家裡有寵物的話, 全家每天遛狗是個既能健身又能促進家庭和諧的好活動。

在家裡購置一張可升降辦公桌。 與其讓孩子每天窩在寫字臺前坐著寫作業, 不如讓孩子坐一會兒站一會兒。 要知道, 久坐對我們的身體健康是十分有害的,


乘地鐵的時候, 不要乘扶梯而是改爬樓梯。


Here are some other tips to incorporate exercise everyday:

Assign active chores such as making the beds, sweeping or vacuuming.

Walk an extra station before getting on public transport everyday.

Put on a popular song in the morning and dance around with your kid for 5mins before going off to school

Make walking the dog everyday a family affair.

Use an elevated desk. Instead of having your child sit down to do homework everyday, have them stand and work half of the time. They've already been sitting all day in school.

Take the stairs instead of the escalator when you use the underground metro.


對於很愛看電視、玩iPad、玩電腦的孩子來說, 家長應該做這些事情:

限制時間, 每天最多玩2個小時;找其他有趣的事情來做, 比如和孩子一起把有趣的故事表演出來, 或者和孩子一起畫畫;在電視節目的廣告時段讓孩子起來運動一下, 並且不讓孩子邊吃零食邊看電視或玩遊戲。

For kids who are obsessed with watching TV, playing computer and ipads, parents should:

limit screen time to no more than 2 hours per day;

help your child find fun things to do like acting out favorite books or stories, or doing a family art project;

encourage your child to get up and move during TV commercials and discourage snacking when sitting in front of a screen.


這些小訣竅, 你都學會了嗎?讓我們一起“動起來”吧!
