
復活節英語兒歌,Easter Songs For Children

1 Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny 復活節的小兔子

Looking kind of funny 抱著滿籃子的彩蛋

With your basket of eggs 看起來真是滑稽

Children singing 孩子在唱

"What’s the bunny bringing “復活節的這天

For me on Easter Day?" 小兔子會給我們送來什麼?”

2 On this Easter Day

Mom is cooking 媽媽在做飯

While we‘re out there looking 我們在四處尋找

For the eggs hidden away 那些被偷偷藏起來的彩蛋

After church we 禮拜回來

Gathered ’round with family 全家人坐在一起

On this Easter Day 在這個復活節

3 Two thousand years ago

Two thousand years ago 兩千年前

Jesus died for our sins 耶穌背負著我們的罪而死去

Remember his resurrection 牢記他的複生

And the joy it brings 還有他帶來的一切歡樂

4 Easter colours

Flowers blooming 花兒們在綻放

Springtime‘s looming 春日的時光被編織

Everything is coming alive 萬物都是這樣一起復活

Easter colours 復活節的顏色?

Yellow, blue and others 黃色藍色還有其他的很多!

Tell us Spring has arrived 春天到了!他們這樣告訴我們。

5 On this Easter holiday

Children are playing 孩子們在玩耍

And everybody’s saying 所有人都說

“So good to see you today!” “今天真高興見到你!”

We‘re all together 我們都相聚一起

The merrier the better 越快樂越好

On this Easter holiday 在這個復活節假日


6 Easter Rabbit, turn around

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, turn around, 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 轉轉身

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, touch the ground 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 碰碰地

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, show your shoe 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 展示你的鞋

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, that will do! 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子!馬上來!

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, go upstairs- 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 去樓上—

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, say your prayers- 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 說出你的願望—

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, turn out the lights- 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 把燈關了—

Easter Rabbit, Easter Rabbit, say good-night! 復活節兔子, 復活節兔子, 說晚安!

7 Little Rabbit dance

Tune: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 曲調:一閃一閃的小星星

Little Rabbit touch the ground 小兔子碰碰地

Little Rabbit go dancing all around 小兔子去跳舞

Hold him high and hold him low 抓住他, 把他抱住

Twirl him fast and twirl him slow 轉快快然後轉慢慢

'Round and 'round and 'round you go 轉圈轉圈繼續轉

When you dance, don’t let him go. 你跳舞, 不要讓他離去

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    家長可以給寶寶買一個播放機或者是用手機給寶寶放都可以,儘量別讓寶寶看螢幕,寶寶有點小,怕眼睛看不好了,平時家長也可以和寶寶一起讀讀故事或者是兒歌,只要寶寶接受就可以。 [詳細答案]

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