很多家長對於“貼秋膘”就簡單的理解成多吃肉, 其實秋天進補, 尤其是孩子, 不能吃太多的肉, 否則會讓孩子的胃腸負擔驟然加重, 讓孩子脆弱的腸胃受到損傷, 患上消化類的疾病。 此外, 肉製品如果不能保證食品安全問題, 也是導致胃腸疾病的原因之一。
那麼孩子秋天到底要不要“進補”?又要如何進補呢?“貼秋膘”本身有一定的道理, 由於炎夏季節暑濕困脾, 易於出現飲食不佳, 體重減輕的現象, 而立秋過後天氣轉涼, 胃口也開始大增, 便可以吃肉食來補養夏季消耗, 增強體質。 對於身體快速生長的寶寶來說,
As the temperature gradually turns cool, the best-known of this time of the year is starting the process of fattening up for winter. Does my child need that much meat? How much meat should my child be eating? Today we will guide you through these questions and help you and your family preparing a healthy and energetic seasonal “fatten-up”!
肉, 海鮮, 豆類都是蛋白質的主要來源。 在這些蛋白質主要來源的食物裡, 還有很多其他的人體必需營養元素。
- 瘦肉中富含鐵、硒等礦物元素, 其中鋅能直接抑制病毒增殖, 增強細胞免疫功能;鐵在維持淋巴細胞的數量、品質以及吞噬細胞功能方面不可或缺;硒幾乎存在於所有的免疫細胞中, 可全面提升孩子的細胞免疫、體液免疫與非特異性免疫功能。
- 魚和海鮮中富含omega 3不飽和脂肪酸。
魚、肉、海鮮、豆類 等
What extra nutrients are in protein foods?
- Lean meat and poultry(瘦肉&家禽): iron, zinc and vitamin B12.
- Fish and seafood(魚&海鮮): long chain omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Legumes(豆類): fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
- Nuts(堅果): healthy fats, fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
“貼秋膘”的正確姿勢:· 每週吃兩次肉· 每週吃兩次魚和海鮮
· 每週吃兩次全素· 在飲食中納入豆類和堅果類
注:1.全素期間用蛋類補充蛋白質;2.遠離火腿, 香腸等被過度加工的肉製品, 而選擇未經加工的優質肉源;3.要以瘦肉為主, 來減少飽和脂肪的攝入;4.關於肉製品的食品安全問題, 購買時要看顏色聞氣味摸手感;5.在烹飪肉製品的時候, 切記要徹底煮熟再吃。Tips on eating protein for a healthy body:
? Meat twice per week.? Fish twice per week? Go meat free twice per week.? Include legumes and nuts regularly.
Notes:a.Try meals base on legumes, eggs, nuts or tofu.b.Always choose real food- food that looks closest to the original source, rather than processed food. c.Choose lean meat and poultry to cut down on saturated fat, which is not good for your heart.d.Always cook thoroughly meats, for food safety reasons.