

1 格林童話母狼高司普和狐狸

母狼生了一隻小狼, 於是請來狐狸當教父。 她說:“總之, 狐狸是我們的近親, 見多識廣而且頭腦聰明;它能教好我兒子, 幫他在世界上生存。 ”狐狸裝得很誠實地說:“親愛的高司普太太, 感謝你對我的尊敬, 我也要同樣對待你, 不辜負你的期望。 ”在宴席上, 他非常高興地盡情大吃, 然後對狼媽媽說:“親愛的高司普太太, 我們有責任讓孩子們吃得好吃得飽, 這樣他們才能長得結實強壯。 我知道有個羊圈, 我們可以輕而易舉地搞到一塊肥肉來。 ”狼一聽, 覺得不錯, 於是跟著狐狸來到農莊。

它指著遠處的一群羊說:“你可以輕易地悄悄溜進去, 我到另一邊看看能不能抓只雞回來。 ”其實它沒去另一邊, 而是在森林的入口處坐了下來, 伸直了腿腳休息。

母狼爬進羊圈, 裡面一隻狗狂叫起來。 農夫聽到了跑出來, 逮住了母狼高司普, 而且將一盆準備用來洗衣服的強鹼性的水潑在了它身上。 母狼總算逃出來了, 那只狐狸卻假裝很哀傷地說:“哦, 親愛的高司普太太, 我真是不幸。 農夫抓住了我, 把我所有的腳指頭都打斷了。 如果你不願意看著我躺在這裡死去, 那你就背我回去吧。 ”母狼儘管自己也只能慢慢地走, 可它很關心狐狸, 把它馱到了背上, 把這個沒病沒痛的教父背回了家。 這時, 狐狸對母狼說:“再見, 親愛的高司普太太,

願你吃上一頓精美的烤肉。 ”它開心地笑著走了。

2 格林童話母狼高司普和狐狸讀後感

這個故事中狐狸表面上很誠實, 內心卻是無比陰險狡詐, 總想著任何事情都能坐享其成。 作為年輕人不要指望坐享其成, 而是接過老一代人的接力棒。 天下沒有免費的午餐。 一個人並不能因為諸如貧窮、殘疾等因素而向人搖尾乞憐。 我們要努力奮鬥, 還需要堅強的意志。 一個人要取得成功, 主要是靠奮鬥。 我們不可能奢望誰會在我們饑餓時送來美味佳餚, 那是無助, 疑慮, 恐怖, 甚至憎惡。 要想不被餓死, 就得握緊拳頭去奮鬥, 去拼搏那一份屬於你的未來, 加油吧。

3 格林童話母狼高司普和狐狸英文版

Gossip wolf and the fox

The she-wolf brought forth a young one, and invited the fox to be godfather. "After all, he is a near relative of ours," said she, "he has a good understanding, and much talent; he can instruct my little son, and help him forward in the world." The fox, too, appeared quite honest, and said, "Worthy Mrs. Gossip, I thank you for the honour which you are doing me; I will, however, conduct myself in such a way that you shall be repaid for it." He enjoyed himself at the feast, and made merry; afterwards he said, "Dear Mrs. Gossip, it is our duty to take care of the child, it must have good food that it may be strong. I know a sheep-fold from which we might fetch a nice morsel." The wolf was pleased with the ditty, and she went out with the fox to the farm-yard. He pointed out the fold from afar, and said, "You will be able to creep in there without being seen, and in the meantime I will look about on the other side to see if I can pick up a chicken." He, however, did not go there, but sat down at the entrance to the forest, stretchedhis legs and rested.

The she-wolf crept into the stable. A dog was lying there, and it made such a noise that the peasants came running out, caught Gossip Wolf, and poured a strong burning mixture, which had been prepared for washing, over her skin. At last she escaped, and dragged herself outside. There lay the fox, who pretended to be full of complaints, and said, "Ah, dear Mistress Gossip, how ill I have fared, the peasants have fallen on me, and have broken every limb I have; if you do not want me to lie where I am and perish, you must carry me away." The she-wolf herself was only able to go away slowly, but she was in such concern about the fox that she took him on her back, and slowly carried him perfectly safe and sound to her house. Then the fox cried to her, "Farewell, dear Mistress Gossip, may the roasting you have had do you good," laughed heartily at her, and bounded off.