

1 特魯得太太的故事

從前, 有個又固執好奇心又強的小姑娘, 無論她父母要她幹什麼她總是不服從。 這樣的孩子會有什麼好結果呢?

有一天她問父母:“我總聽人們說起特魯得太太, 說她的一切都與眾不同, 她家裡盡是些希奇古怪的東西。 我太好奇了, 哪天我一定得去看看。 ”她父母堅決反對, 說:“特魯得是個壞女人, 盡幹壞事。 你要是去了就不是我們的孩子了。 ”可是姑娘並沒因父母的阻止而回心轉意。 當她來到特魯得太太家時, 特魯得問她:“你的臉色怎麼這麼蒼白啊?”“唉呀, ”她渾身發抖地回答說, “我被見到的那些東西嚇壞了。

”“你看到什麼了?”“我在臺階上看到一個黑色的人。 ”“那是燒炭的。 ”“後來看到一個綠色的人。 ”“那是獵人。 ”“後來還看到一個血紅血紅的人。 ”“那是屠夫。 ”“唉呀, 特魯得太太, 我從視窗望進來, 看到的不是你, 而是火頭魔鬼本人。 我不會看錯的, 真嚇死了!”

“哦!”特魯得說, “看來你的確看到了穿著平常服飾的巫婆了。 我早就想要你了, 已等了這麼久, 你可以讓我這兒亮一點呢。 ”說罷將姑娘變成了一段木頭, 扔進了火堆。 木頭熊熊燃燒起來, 巫婆靠近火堆取暖, 說:“它亮一陣子就會熄滅的。 ”

2 特魯得太太的故事點評

好奇心是每個都有的, 但有時候好奇心太強也不是一件好事, 文章中的小女孩就是因為好奇心太強而害了自己。

父母總是不會害我們的, 在日常生活中我們應該多聽從一下父母的意見, 不要盲目的追求一些不切實際的東西, 這樣只會傷害到自己。

3 特魯得太太的故事英文版

Frau Trude

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Once upon a time there was a small girl who was strong willed and forward, and whenever her parents said anything to her, she disobeyed them. How could anything go well with her?

One day she said to her parents: "I have heard so much about Frau Trude. Someday I want to go to her place. People say such amazing things are seen there, and such strange things happen there, that I have become very curious.

Her parents strictly forbade her, saying: "Frau Trude is a wicked woman who commits godless acts. If you go there, you will no longer be our child.

But the girl paid no attention to her parents and went to Frau Trude's place anyway.

When she arrived there, Frau Trude asked: "Why are you so pale?"

"Oh," she answered, trembling all over, "I saw something that frightened me."

"What did you see?"

"I saw a black man on your steps."

"That was a charcoal burner."

"then I saw a GREen man."

"That was a huntsman."

"then I saw a blood-red man."

"That was a butcher."

"Oh, Frau Trude, it frightened me when I looked through your window and could not see you, but instead saw the devil with a head of fire."

"Aha!" she said. "So you saw the witch properly outfitted. I have been waiting for you and wanting you for a long time. Light the way for me now!"

With that she turned to girl into a block of wood and threw it into the fire. When it was thoroughly aglow she sat down next to it, and warmed herself by it, saying: "It gives such a bright light!"
