“天生童心 情真藝靈”
亞洲兒童藝術展組委會藝術總監劉勇良引薦記者初識著名畫家羅炳芳教授時, 我立即脫口而出的是“鶴發童顏”、“精神矍鑠”。 羅教授是當之無愧的!
羅教授談鋒甚健, 對我們策劃組織“兒童藝術展”稱贊有加, 他老人家稱贊我們為藝術領域做了一件非常有益的事, 也為國際藝術交流做了一件非常有益的事。 “藝術后繼有人是件大事, 藝術對人品、人格的完善、完美同樣是件大事, 尤其是對少年兒童這個階段。
羅教授欣然接受組委會的誠請, 接過了“亞洲兒童藝術展組委會藝術顧問”的大紅聘書, 羅老說;“我一生受聘多多, 但是, 到了晚年, 能夠擔任一個少年兒童藝術展會的藝術顧問, 我很高興, 我很看重這個榮譽職務。 ”
羅老在辛勤創作和繁忙的社會活動之余, 為亞洲兒童藝術展題詞“天生童心 情真藝靈”。 為了題詞, 羅老頗費了一番心思, 題寫了好幾條, 一一向我們做了展示, 他最后確定送給組委會的這一條, 羅老給我們講解了其中的含義:“純潔的、沒有污染的童心是天生的, 家長、老師和社會要用真誠的感情去塑造他,
羅炳芳教授1931年出生于山明水秀的福建連成, 自幼酷愛丹青。 1952年考進北京中央美術學院繪畫系學習, 半世紀以來, 他學習、執教于全國美術院校的最高學府, 受到當代美術大師吳作人、董希文、張汀、羅工柳、艾中信眾多名師的教誨和指點, 沿著徐悲鴻院長的治學傳統, 嚴格的造型基本功訓練, 使尊師重道敬業勤奮的羅炳芳學有所成。 畢業以后, 留校任教, 默默地為國家培養了一大批美術人才, 成為藝術院校一位著名的、辛勤耕耘的好園丁。
六十年代, 羅教授參與文化部組織的大型歷史畫的創作, 著名油畫作品“魯迅和瞿秋白”為中國國家博物館陳列收藏,
羅炳芳教授生生不息, 求索不止。 在幾十年教學生涯中, 他經常帶領學生利用實習、采風的機會走遍了祖國的名山大川。 如黃山、華山、峨眉山、武夷山、長白山、張家界、麗江、滇池、北大荒, 以及他的家鄉八閩大地, 到處都留下他堅定的足跡。 他捕捉到很多詩情畫意的場景, 融入筆底, 成為他作畫的天然素材。 所以, 人們在欣賞羅教授的畫作時, 總能感受到天地之靈氣、山川之神韻。 在賞心悅目之時, 獲得一種清心爽身的升華。
羅教授至今不忘童年的記憶, 作為多年寄居在外的游子, 他對家鄉的山山水水, 一花一草都眷戀至深, 《屋橋春雨》就是描繪它家鄉的“云龍橋”以及禾苗在春雨的滋養下茁壯成長的故鄉情懷。
羅教授這些年銳意進取, 不斷探索, 對藝術、對人生的新的感悟, 時常迸發出新的亮點, 他以真誠的心態, 多彩的畫筆, 抒情寫意, 在平凡的影像中體現不平凡的境界, 羅老書畫并舉, 融滙中西, 將水墨與水彩相結合, 重實際又重實情、實意。 既有結實、嚴謹的造型功底, 又有抽象渲染韻味, 特別是表現氤氳之氣, 潺潺流水, 粼粼波光都很成功。 他在西畫的基礎上, 融入民族傳統, 重視氣韻生動, 使人倍感格調高雅, 超凡脫俗, 自成一格。
“藝無止境”羅老最后感嘆道, 他現在身兼數職:清華大學美術學院教授、中國美術家協會會員、中國老教授協會會員、世界華人美術家協會榮譽主席、中國醫療扶貧博愛書畫院副院長、中國名人書畫院顧問、北京閩西老區建設促進會顧問、閩西書畫院名譽院長、北京客家書畫研究院院長等榮譽職務。 但是,羅老筆耕不輟,創新不止。我們衷心祝福尊敬的羅老——亞洲兒童藝術展組委會藝術顧問,“寶刀不老”,再創輝煌!我恭送葉劍英元帥詩句給羅老:“夕陽無限好,為霞尚滿天”!(亞洲兒童藝術展組委會宣傳部)
Connate childlike innocence, true affection and beautiful art spirit
Luo Bingfang, Professor of Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design, Famous Artist and Educator, Praised that Asian Children’s Art Show Had Done a Very Good Thing for Art Area.
The first time Liu Yongliang who now is the art director of Asian Children’s Art Show (ACAS) introduced Professor Luo Bingfang to us, the words old hair but young face, hale spirit rushed into minds of ACAS’s members.
Professor Luo was talkative and praised our organizing Asian Children’s Art Show (ACAS). He said that ACAS had done a very good thing for art spreading and international culture communication. “It is an important thing that art could inherit. And art is necessary in improving people’s personality and character, especially for children’s. Now there is little exhibition special for children without any fame desire. To hold children’s exhibition and promote children to love art is a remarkable behavior.”
Professor Luo is pleased to accept the invitation of Organizing Committee of ACAS, and took over the appointment of “Art Adviser of Asian Children’s Art Show”. Professor Luo said: “I have received many appointment during my life, but I am glad that I was appointed this honorary position for a children’s exhibition in my old age.”
During his painting creating and busy social activity, Professor Luo wrote an inscription of “Connate childlike innocence, true affection and beautiful art spirit” for ACAS. In order to make the inscription perfect, Luo was so earnest that he wrote many times. Finally, he chose the best one for Organizing Committee of ACAS. Luo explained the meaning of the inscription to us: “The pure and uncontaminated childlike innocence is connate, and parents, teachers and society need to shape it with true affection. Art is one of the important ways to cultivate children’s soul and spirit.”
Professor Luo Bingfang was born in Lian Cheng City, province Fujian in 1931. He loved painting very much. He was admitted by Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1952. During the half century, he studied and taught in Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design. Professor Luo had accepted the teaching and pointing from Wu Zuoren, Dong Xiwen, Zhang Ting, Luo Gongliu, Ai Zhongxin and other famous artists. Along the teaching philosophy of Xu Beihong, Luo Bingfang formed a sound basic of painting. After graduated, he taught in China Central Academy of Fine Arts for a long time, and many of his students had grown to famous artists. Professor became a diligent and famous good gardener in art area.
In 1960s, Professor Luo took part in a large-scale history painting organized by Ministry of Culture. His oil painting “Lu Xun and Qu Qiubai” was collected by National Museum of China and was incorporated into The Album of Paintings Collected by the Museum of Chinese Revolution. Professor Luo’s traditional Chinese painting “Gu Bao Jing Tao” and other paintings was selected into domestic and foreign large art exhibition, and published in various newspaper, magazine and painting collections.“Luo Bingfang Art Exhibition” was held in 1988. On the exhibition, famous artist Wu Zuoren inscribed the name Luo’s art exhibition, and another famous artist Zhang Ting wrote an inscription of “National Character” for the exhibition. In 2005, Professor Luo was invited to create “The Victory of the Second Cooperation between China’s Communist Party and China’s Nationalist Party in Anti-Japanese War”. After the painting was exhibited in Macau, it was incorporated into the “Xie Shou Tong Hui” art works collection of commemoration the victory of Anti-Japanese War. Then, in 2008, Luo was invited to the fourth “Asian New Art Communication Exhibition”. Professor Luo had wrote many works on teaching painting skills, just like “Introduction to Drawing”, “Practical Sketch” “Luo Bingfang Paintings” and so on. Luo is good at seal cutting. He inherited the ancient seal spirit, and created a way of his own. By integrating the time styles into seal cutting, Luo started a new space. The Biography of Professor Luo Bingfang bas been placed into “Who’s who in the world” and variety books.
During his years’ teaching, Professor Luo Bingfang often brings his students to travel around China to practice their painting skills and get in touch with the nature world. Huangshan Mountain, Emei Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Changbai Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Lijing River, Dianchi Lake, the Great Northern Wilderness, all these places left his footmark. He has seized a lot of poetic scenes, and integrates all these into his painting. Therefore, when people look at Luo’s paintings, they always feel the sense of mountains, rivers, jungles, and all nature things. Along with the pleasant, they also obtain sublimation in soul.
The memory of the childhood is most unforgettable thing in Luo’s mind. As a wanderer staying abroad for years, Professor Luo’s affection on hometown is very deep. “Wu Qiao Chun Yu” is a painting describing his hometown, the Yunlong Bridge and the scene of seedlings growing in the rain of. The paintings “Ting Jiang Yuan”, “Guan Shan Spring Morning”, “Shan Quan Qingqing”, “Dream Around Tingzhou”, “Xin Fei Gu Guo Lou” are all Luo’s works expressing his homesickness.
Professor Luo has not stopped his step on art exploration. New feelings on art and life were added to his painting. With the sincere attitude and colorful brush, Professor Luo's painting is lyrical, and he is skilled in expressed the extraordinary things in the ordinary images. Professor Luo combines the Ink and watercolor painting together, and focus on the expressing of real affection and practical meaning. Both rigorous modeling and abstract rendering skills appear in Luo’s painting. On the base of western painting, Luo integrated into his painting the traditional Chinese skills, and created a special way of vivid and elegant styles.
“Art has no border!” Professor Luo exclaimed. Now Professor Luo is the professor of Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design, member of China Artists Association and Chinese Senior Professors Association, honorary chairman of World Chinese Artists Association, vice president of Chinese Painting Institution for Medical and Poverty Support, Consultant of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute Celebrity, and so on. Though he is busy, Professor Luo was diligent in improving his painting.
Professor Luo Bingfang now accepts the post of art advisor of Asian Children’s Art Show. We sincerely wish that Professor Luo would create greater glories.
但是,羅老筆耕不輟,創新不止。我們衷心祝福尊敬的羅老——亞洲兒童藝術展組委會藝術顧問,“寶刀不老”,再創輝煌!我恭送葉劍英元帥詩句給羅老:“夕陽無限好,為霞尚滿天”!(亞洲兒童藝術展組委會宣傳部)Connate childlike innocence, true affection and beautiful art spirit
Luo Bingfang, Professor of Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design, Famous Artist and Educator, Praised that Asian Children’s Art Show Had Done a Very Good Thing for Art Area.
The first time Liu Yongliang who now is the art director of Asian Children’s Art Show (ACAS) introduced Professor Luo Bingfang to us, the words old hair but young face, hale spirit rushed into minds of ACAS’s members.
Professor Luo was talkative and praised our organizing Asian Children’s Art Show (ACAS). He said that ACAS had done a very good thing for art spreading and international culture communication. “It is an important thing that art could inherit. And art is necessary in improving people’s personality and character, especially for children’s. Now there is little exhibition special for children without any fame desire. To hold children’s exhibition and promote children to love art is a remarkable behavior.”
Professor Luo is pleased to accept the invitation of Organizing Committee of ACAS, and took over the appointment of “Art Adviser of Asian Children’s Art Show”. Professor Luo said: “I have received many appointment during my life, but I am glad that I was appointed this honorary position for a children’s exhibition in my old age.”
During his painting creating and busy social activity, Professor Luo wrote an inscription of “Connate childlike innocence, true affection and beautiful art spirit” for ACAS. In order to make the inscription perfect, Luo was so earnest that he wrote many times. Finally, he chose the best one for Organizing Committee of ACAS. Luo explained the meaning of the inscription to us: “The pure and uncontaminated childlike innocence is connate, and parents, teachers and society need to shape it with true affection. Art is one of the important ways to cultivate children’s soul and spirit.”
Professor Luo Bingfang was born in Lian Cheng City, province Fujian in 1931. He loved painting very much. He was admitted by Painting Department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1952. During the half century, he studied and taught in Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design. Professor Luo had accepted the teaching and pointing from Wu Zuoren, Dong Xiwen, Zhang Ting, Luo Gongliu, Ai Zhongxin and other famous artists. Along the teaching philosophy of Xu Beihong, Luo Bingfang formed a sound basic of painting. After graduated, he taught in China Central Academy of Fine Arts for a long time, and many of his students had grown to famous artists. Professor became a diligent and famous good gardener in art area.
In 1960s, Professor Luo took part in a large-scale history painting organized by Ministry of Culture. His oil painting “Lu Xun and Qu Qiubai” was collected by National Museum of China and was incorporated into The Album of Paintings Collected by the Museum of Chinese Revolution. Professor Luo’s traditional Chinese painting “Gu Bao Jing Tao” and other paintings was selected into domestic and foreign large art exhibition, and published in various newspaper, magazine and painting collections.“Luo Bingfang Art Exhibition” was held in 1988. On the exhibition, famous artist Wu Zuoren inscribed the name Luo’s art exhibition, and another famous artist Zhang Ting wrote an inscription of “National Character” for the exhibition. In 2005, Professor Luo was invited to create “The Victory of the Second Cooperation between China’s Communist Party and China’s Nationalist Party in Anti-Japanese War”. After the painting was exhibited in Macau, it was incorporated into the “Xie Shou Tong Hui” art works collection of commemoration the victory of Anti-Japanese War. Then, in 2008, Luo was invited to the fourth “Asian New Art Communication Exhibition”. Professor Luo had wrote many works on teaching painting skills, just like “Introduction to Drawing”, “Practical Sketch” “Luo Bingfang Paintings” and so on. Luo is good at seal cutting. He inherited the ancient seal spirit, and created a way of his own. By integrating the time styles into seal cutting, Luo started a new space. The Biography of Professor Luo Bingfang bas been placed into “Who’s who in the world” and variety books.
During his years’ teaching, Professor Luo Bingfang often brings his students to travel around China to practice their painting skills and get in touch with the nature world. Huangshan Mountain, Emei Mountain, Wuyi Mountain, Changbai Mountain, Zhangjiajie, Lijing River, Dianchi Lake, the Great Northern Wilderness, all these places left his footmark. He has seized a lot of poetic scenes, and integrates all these into his painting. Therefore, when people look at Luo’s paintings, they always feel the sense of mountains, rivers, jungles, and all nature things. Along with the pleasant, they also obtain sublimation in soul.
The memory of the childhood is most unforgettable thing in Luo’s mind. As a wanderer staying abroad for years, Professor Luo’s affection on hometown is very deep. “Wu Qiao Chun Yu” is a painting describing his hometown, the Yunlong Bridge and the scene of seedlings growing in the rain of. The paintings “Ting Jiang Yuan”, “Guan Shan Spring Morning”, “Shan Quan Qingqing”, “Dream Around Tingzhou”, “Xin Fei Gu Guo Lou” are all Luo’s works expressing his homesickness.
Professor Luo has not stopped his step on art exploration. New feelings on art and life were added to his painting. With the sincere attitude and colorful brush, Professor Luo's painting is lyrical, and he is skilled in expressed the extraordinary things in the ordinary images. Professor Luo combines the Ink and watercolor painting together, and focus on the expressing of real affection and practical meaning. Both rigorous modeling and abstract rendering skills appear in Luo’s painting. On the base of western painting, Luo integrated into his painting the traditional Chinese skills, and created a special way of vivid and elegant styles.
“Art has no border!” Professor Luo exclaimed. Now Professor Luo is the professor of Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design, member of China Artists Association and Chinese Senior Professors Association, honorary chairman of World Chinese Artists Association, vice president of Chinese Painting Institution for Medical and Poverty Support, Consultant of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute Celebrity, and so on. Though he is busy, Professor Luo was diligent in improving his painting.
Professor Luo Bingfang now accepts the post of art advisor of Asian Children’s Art Show. We sincerely wish that Professor Luo would create greater glories.