聖誕兒歌有哪些呢?不少家長們都會教寶寶唱聖誕歌, 讓寶寶們感受聖誕氛圍的同時也能起到早教作用。 以下為你推薦經典的聖誕兒歌:White Christmas—— 銀色聖誕。
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
銀色聖誕 我思我夢
Just like the ones I used to know
宛如昨日 藹藹濛濛
Where the treetops glisten
碧樹 光耀灼灼
And children listen
孩童 駐足聆聽
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
雪橇聲鈴 悠揚叮咚
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
銀色聖誕 我思我夢
With every Christmas card I write
叮嚀祝福 殷殷遞送
May your days be merry and bright
願你日日 歡喜燦麗
And may all your Christmases be white
年年聖誕 白雪大地
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
銀色聖誕 我思我夢
Just like the ones I used to know
彷佛昨日 皚皚濛濛
Where the treetops glisten
碧樹 熠熠閃爍
And children listen
孩童 駐足聆聽
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
雪橇聲鈴 悠揚叮咚
I'm dreaming of a White Christmas
銀色聖誕 我思我夢
With every Christmas card I write
詩句一一 情意正濃
May your days be merry and bright
願你時時 歡欣絢麗
And may all your Christmases be white
歲歲聖誕 晶瑩大地