越王勾踐兵敗吳王夫差後, 假裝投降, 在吳國飽受屈辱, 每天嘗苦膽以提醒自己不忘亡國之恥, 終博得吳王信任, 被放回越國, 勾踐回國後勵精圖治, 終究越打敗了吳國。
2 臥薪嚐膽的故事
西元前496年, 吳王闔閭派兵攻打越國, 被越王勾踐打得大敗, 闔閭也受了重傷, 臨死前, 囑咐兒子夫差要替他報仇。 夫差牢記父親的話, 日夜加緊練兵, 準備攻打越國。 過了兩年, 夫差率兵把勾踐打得大敗, 勾踐被包圍, 無路可走, 準備自殺。 這時謀臣文種勸住了他, 說:“吳國大臣伯嚭貪財好色, 可以派人去賄賂他。
文種見了吳王, 獻上珍寶, 說:“越王願意投降, 做您的臣下伺候您, 請您能饒恕他。 ”伯嚭也在一旁幫文種說話。 伍子胥站出來大聲反對道:“人常說‘治病要除根’, 勾踐深謀遠慮, 文種、範蠡精明強幹, 這次放了他們, 他們回去後就會想辦法報仇的!”這時的夫差以為越國已經不足為患, 就不聽伍子胥的勸告, 答應了越國的投降, 把軍隊撤回了吳國。
吳國撤兵後, 勾踐帶著妻子和大夫范蠡到吳國伺候吳王, 放牛牧羊, 終於贏得了吳王的歡心和信任。 三年後, 他們被釋放回國了。
勾踐回國後, 立志發憤圖強, 準備復仇。 他怕自己貪圖舒適的生活, 消磨了報仇的志氣,
而吳王夫差盲目力圖爭霸, 絲毫不考慮民生疾苦。 他還聽信伯嚭的壞話, 殺了忠臣伍子胥。 最終夫差爭霸成功, 稱霸于諸侯。 但是這時的吳國, 貌似強大, 實際上已經是走下坡路了。
西元前482年, 夫差親自帶領大軍北上, 與晉國爭奪諸侯盟主, 越王勾踐趁吳國精兵在外, 突然襲擊, 一舉打敗吳兵, 殺了太子友。
【拼音】:wò xīn cháng dǎn
4 臥薪嚐膽英文版
Sleep on Brushwood and Taste Gall
During the Spring and Autumn periodt the State of Wu launched an attack against the State of Yue.
The King of Wu was seriously wounded and soon died.
His son Fu Chai became the new King.
Fu was determined to revenge.
He drilled his army rigidly until it was a perfect fighting force.
Three years later, he led his army against the State of Yue and caught its king Gou Jian.
Fu took him to the State of Wu.
In order to avenge his father’s death, Fu let him to live in a shabby stone house by his fathers tomb and ordered him to raise horses for him.
Gou pretended to be loyal to Fu but he never forgot his humiliation.
Many years later, he was set free.
Gou secretly accumulated a military force after he went back to his own state.
In order to make himself tougher he slept on firewood and tasted a gall-bladder before having dinner and going to bed.
At the same time he administered his state carefully, developing agriculture and educating the people.
After a few years, his country became strong.
Then Gou seized a favorable opportunity to wipe off the State of Wu.
Later, people use it to describe one who endures self-imposed hardships to strengthen one’s resolve to realize one’s ambition.
5 臥薪嚐膽的故事啟示越王勾踐為了使自己不忘記以前所受的恥辱,