

1 關於健康的英語手抄報:英語健康小知識

One of the best ways to avoid getting sick is washing your hands with soap and water. It has been shown effective in removing harmful germs and preventing their spread. Some companies have gone to great lengths to manufacture germ-killing products like antibacterial soaps.

避免生病的最好辦法之一是用香皂洗手。 事實證明, 洗手能夠有效去除有害細菌並阻止細菌擴散。 一些公司已經不遺餘力地生產諸如除菌香皂等殺菌產品。

FDA officials estimate there are about 2,000 antimicrobial soaps on the market. People may think such products do a better job protecting them from getting sick, however, some studies suggest long-term use of the products can affect hormone levels and may be linked to cancer.

據食品藥物管理局官員估計, 市場上有近2000種除菌香皂。 人們或許會認為除菌香皂能更好地保護他們免於疾病, 然而, 一些研究表明, 長期使用除菌香皂會影響激素水準並與癌症有關。

2 關於健康的英語手抄報:十種吃出健康的食物

10 Common Foods in Your Diet that Are Making You Healthy

We’ve all heard the nutritional consultants, dietitians and food gurus who reprimand us about what not to eat – giving us warnings and statistics about the bad consequences of poor dietary choices. However, there are some common foods we eat every day that studies show provide great health benefits. While to the untrained eye our food is just, well…food, below I’ve listed 10 common foods found in your diet that are actually making you healthy.

1. Coffee

The caffeine in found in coffee can help aid physical performance, fat loss and mental alertness. However, what many people don’t know, is that coffee contains essential nutrients for human health, as well as antioxidants that have been shown to prevent certain types of cancer and disease.

It’s been recommended to drink five cups of coffee daily to receive these benefits. Anything more than five could be counterproductive, as too much caffeine has been shown to increase levels of anxiety and stress.

By choosing a quality brand, and perhaps leaving out the sugar, you could be receiving more than a pick-me-up for the morning – you’ll also receive a range of benefits that will aid your health down the line.

2. Chocolate

Normally it’s dark chocolate that gets a lot of attention for its antioxidants and health benefits. However, studies show that eating regular chocolate can bring us some good too. Chocolate releases the chemical serotonin in the brain, making us feel happy and also improving our stress levels.

Whilst dark chocolate seems to be a more sensible choice than your average chocolate brand, as long as you have a balanced diet in check then having a bit of chocolate from time to time, no matter the variety, is actually a good thing!

3. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great source of vitamin E, which is good for the skin and helps reduce damage from high cholesterol. Peanut butter has also shown to be a great food supplement for women during and after pregnancy, as vitamin E is very important during the early stages of life.

Of course, choosing an organic brand of peanut butter is ideal to get the most benefits, as cheap supermarket brands contain high amounts of sugar, salt and vegetable oil. So if you – like many others – suffer with a mild peanut butter addiction, studies show it’s not all that bad.

4. Eggs

Eggs have been labeled as a superfood in recent years, as they contain essential vitamins, minerals, and protein and are a source of good fats for the body. Eggs have also become a staple food in some of the best fat-loss diets around.

Having eggs in our diets is by no means a bad thing. Eggs got a bad reputation in the past because of high cholesterol concerns; however, further research has shown this to be a fallacy and that we can enjoy eggs as part of a healthy diet.

5. Red Wine

Red wine is becoming widely known for its various health benefits. This is chiefly because of the antioxidants it contains, which have been shown to prevent certain types of cancers and to increase longevity. In addition, red wine is a preferable choice for dieters because of its low sugar content. And whilst not wanting to encourage you to drink more alcohol, the studies on red wine are still very promising – you could be better off drinking one glass a day than none at all.

6. Curry

Turmeric is a principal spice ingredient in most curries, and it’s responsible for a range of health benefits. Some of these benefits include the reduction of swelling and pain associated with the inflammation of the joints. Curries that contain chili, ginger and black pepper also aid a healthy metabolism, not to mention helping the immune system.

7. Tomato Sauce

If you enjoy Italian food, make sure your pastas have a tomato-based sauce. Tomato paste, which is the main ingredient of common pasta sauces, contains vitamin B5, which supports our adrenal glands and improves our response to stress. One tablespoon of tomato paste contains just 13 calories, so not only is it good for our health, it’s also a wise choice for dieters looking to shed some pounds.

8. Milk

While many of us are aware that milk has some health benefits, particularly its calcium levels and fat-soluble vitamins, one of the most interesting facts about milk is that it contributes to your hydration levels. Those of us who neglect drinking water but have time for a glass milk will find that milk is in fact 90% water! So if you’re not keen on eight glasses of water a day, studies show that substituting some of those for milk can be just as beneficial.

9. Beef Burgers

Believe it or not, a beef burger by itself is not all that bad; beef provides nutrients such as iron, zinc and B vitamins. Whilst a burger and fries from your standard fast food joint may not be the best way to go about health, creating your own burger at home and choosing a wholemeal bun is actually a rewarding meal in terms of good health and nutrition.

10. Cereal

Most cereals – including high-sugar brands – contain folic acid, which is essential for our bodies’ cell replication and prevents cell mutation and cancers. Of course, choosing low-sugar cereals is advocated, but as with any balanced diet, if you weaken and indulge in a childhood favorite every once in a while, it might not be so bad after all.

12 3 關於健康的英語手抄報:關於健康的英語格言

1、hygiene is two thirds of health。



2、young man may die but old men must die。

年輕人可能會死, 老年人難免要亡。 關於健康的英語格言。

3、care brings gray hair。


4、the love of beauty is an essential part of a i i healthy human nature。


5、feed by measure and defy physician。

飲食有節制, 醫生無用處。

6、he that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy。 關於健康的英語格言。

忍渴上床, 起身健康。

7、many dishes, many diseases。


8、a light heart lives long。


9、when the sun es in, the doctor goes out。

陽光進來, 醫生離去。

10、there is no medicine for fear。


11、sickness shows us what we are。


12、prescribe the right medicine for a symptom。


13、diseases e on horseback, but steal away on foot。

病來如山倒, 病去如抽絲。

14、temperance is the best physic。


15、to know the disease is half the cure。


16、patient people are patient to gain longevity。


17、if you can walk, you can dance; if you can talk, you can sing。

能跑就能走, 能說就能唱。

18、the doctor is often more to be feared than the disease。


19、bitter pills may have blessed effects。


20、to live long is a i most everyone, s wish, but to live well is the ambition of a few。

人人皆想活得長, 鮮少有人想要活得好。

21、health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other。

健康與快樂, http://tongxiehui.net/by/4755.html相輔相成。

22、the windows open more will keep the doctor from the door。

常開窗戶, 醫生不近門。

23、bed is a medicine。


24、health does not consist with intemperance。

健康和放縱, 彼此不相容。

25、health is not valued till sickness es。


26、diet cures more than the doctor。


27、cheerfulneis the promoter of health。



28、an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure。


29、diseases of the sou i are more dangerous than those of the body。

身體有恙好治, 心病難醫。

30、you must not pledge your own health。


31、the head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm。

頭腳多保暖, 身體多健康。

32、we shall lie a i i alike in our graves。


33、disease, enemy, and debt-these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow。

疾病、敵人和債務, 這三樣事物一露苗頭便應除之。

34、fresh pork and new wine kill a man before his time。

鮮肉力口新酒, 催人早斷魂。

35、health is happiness。


36、water is the king of food。


37、feed a cold; starve a fever。

著涼時要多吃, 發燒時要少吃。

38、bed is the poor man? s opera。


39、there are more old drunkards than old doctors。


40、reading is to the mind while exercise to the body。

讀書動腦, 運動健身。

41、fretting cares make gray hairs。


42、a sound mind in a sound body。


43、an apple a day keeps the doctor away。


44、good health is over wealth。


45、you may delay, but time will not。


46、if you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue。

如果不健康也能身體好, 那麼無美德也可快樂。

47、without sleep, no health。


48、the best doctors are dr。 diet, dr。 quiet and dr。 merryman。


49、the surest way to be happy i s to be busy。


50、an apple a day keeps the doctor away。

一天一個大蘋果, 醫生從來不找我。

