


近日, 亞洲兒童藝術展國際部總監、韓國青年畫家鄭根浩從韓國載譽歸來, 非常激動地向我們亞洲兒童藝術展組委會的領導和全體工作人員匯報了他此次回韓國的豐碩成果。 首先是在韓國第二屆“孝文化節”上, 長期旅居中國的鄭根浩先生, 被授予“孝文化節”海外宣傳大使, 這是對他多年來從事中韓文化藝術交流促進工作的最大褒獎, 鄭根浩興奮地說:“這是對我在兩國民間文化藝術界辛勤工作的最好的肯定!當然,

我也感到肩上的擔子更重了, 海外宣傳大使的榮譽稱號賦予我更加重要的任務, 我今后要更加努力地為中韓之間的文化藝術交流做好宣傳工作!”他還引用了一句中國的古詩“更上一層樓”!

此次回韓國, 鄭根浩的另一個重要使命完成的也很好, 他奔走于首爾、大田、全州等幾個城市, 向韓國的學校和少年兒童的繪畫培訓機構宣傳了亞洲兒童藝術展的活動, 同時, 與韓國的有關機構談好了與亞洲兒童藝術展的合作意向, 特別是著名的韓國百濟文化節, 很高興與亞洲兒童藝術展組委會共同組織文化交流活動。

鄭根浩1969年出生在韓國忠南燕岐, 1991年在又石大學校東洋畫系畢業, 2004年在中國中央美術學院中國畫系研究生畢業。


從踏進中央美術學院的第一天起, 鄭根浩逐漸增加了對中國文化藝術的了解和認識, 他越來越欽佩中國文化藝術的博大精深, 在中國留學的過程中, 他更廣泛地接觸了中國的大學生和普通市民, 更加熱愛富強的中國和聰明樸實的中國人民, 他下定決心, 努力向中國的老師虛心學習, 把中國老師和韓國老師的繪畫技法融合在一起, 創出自己獨特的、融中韓風格于一體的巖彩畫。 特別是在中國學習期間, 鄭根浩積極致力于韓中文化藝術交流, 為兩國文化藝術工作者牽線搭橋, 增加了解, 增進友誼, 為兩國少年兒童的交往, 做了許多工作, 取得了突出的成績, 受到了兩國有關方面的稱贊。


鄭根浩先生多次在中國中央美術學院、中國國際青年交流中心、中國美術館、北京炎黃藝術館、北京國際藝苑、青云畫廊、中華文學基金會文采閣畫廊、北京當代美術館、吾園畫廊(韓國 大田)、YUJIN畫廊 (韓國 大田)、LOTTE畫廊(韓國 大田)等中韓兩國的城市舉辦個人畫展。 并多次參加在中韓兩國舉辦的美術大展, 還參加了北京奧運會美術大賽。

鄭根浩先生正在為首屆亞洲兒童藝術展積極做籌備工作, 在2010年4月27日舉辦的中國紅十字基金會藍飄帶基金“兒童明天”啟動儀式上, 亞洲兒童藝術展正式成為藍飄帶基金“兒童明天”的公益合作伙伴, 作為亞洲兒童藝術展國際總監的鄭根浩與聯合國合唱團的各國朋友喜相會, 不失時機地與聯合國合唱團團長查爾斯先生以及其他團員進行了交流并合影留念。


Young Artist and international director of ACAS, Zheng Genhao was Appointed the Cultural Ambassadors of the second Korea “Filial Piety Cultural Festival”

In recent days, the young artist and international director of ACAS, Zheng Genhao came back from Korea, and reported the rich result of his journey back to Korea to all members of ACAS. Firstly, Zheng Genhao who was long-lived in China was appointed the cultural ambassadors of the second Korea “Filial Piety Cultural Festival”. This was praise for his devotion on promoting the culture and art communication between China and Korea. Zheng said excited that: “This is the best recognition for my work. Of course that I feel heavier the responsibility now on my shoulder, and in the following days I will try my best to promote the communication between the two countries. Then he said he hoped the communication between China and Korea could go further.

This journey back to Korea, Zheng Genhao finished his another important work. He publicized Asian Children’s Art Show to the painting training institutions of Seoul, Daejeon, Jeonju, and several other cities in Korea. At the same time, he had discussed with some institutions about the cooperation intention between them and ACAS. Especially the Korea Baekje Cultural Festival was fond of the culture communication with Organizing Committee of Asian Children’s Art Show.

Zheng Genhao, young Korean artist as well as the international director of ACAS, was born in Zhong Nan Yan Qi, Korea in 1969. He was graduated from Youshi College Oriental Painting Department, and post graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts Department of Chinese Painting.

From the first day he got into China Central Academy of Fine Arts, he gradually understands the extensive and profound Chinese culture and art. As he got in touch with more Chinese, he loves China even more. He tries his best to learn Chinese painting, and by joining together the Chinese and Korean painting skills together, he created a rock painting skill of his own. During his studying in China, Zheng committed to cultural communication between China and Korea, and has performed as a bridge to promote the understanding and friendship between the two countries. He has been praised by some relative institutions.

Zheng Genhao has held personal exhibition in China Central Academy of Fine Art, Chinese International Youth Communication Center, China Art Museum, Beijing Yan Huang Art Museum, Beijing International Art Palace, Qingyun Gallery, Chinese Literature Foundation Wenkai Pavilion Gallery, Bejing Contemporary Art Museum, My Garden Gallery (Da Tian, Korea), YUJIN Gallery (Da Tian, Korea), LOTTE Gallery (Da Tian, Korea). He has attended many times the art exhibition held in China and Korea, and attended Beijing Olympic Art Grand Prix.

Zheng Genhao are doing the preparatory work for Asian Children’s Art Show now. On April 27th, 2010, the opening ceremony of Chinese Red Cross Foundation Blue Ribbon Fund’s “Children’s Tomorrow” was held. On the ceremony, Asian Children’s Art Show became the cooperator of “Children’s Tomorrow”. As the international director of ACAS, Zheng Genhao talked with the friends of UNS happily, and took photos with Charles, the head of UNS, and other members of UNS.
