2012-03-22 -
“誰知盤中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。”每一顆糧食都是農民伯伯辛辛苦苦耕種出來的,我們一定要珍惜糧食,學會節約,杜絕浪費。為寶寶介紹四首兒歌——珍惜糧食,從寶寶做起! 1、大米飯(一) 大米飯,噴噴香,...
2012-05-29 -
聰明的寶寶總愛學習。下面,就讓我們一起來唱識字兒歌,教寶寶輕松識字吧! 1、分 八刀切下來, 西瓜被分開。 分給娃娃吃, 娃娃吃了乖。 ...
2012-03-08 -
1.找朋友 找找找,找朋友 找到一個好朋友 敬個禮,握握手 你是我的好朋友 2.小兔歌 小兔兒乖乖,把門兒開開 快點兒開開,我要進來 不開不開...
2012-05-19 -
兒歌不僅能鍛煉孩子的聽說能力,還能讓孩子增長見識、發展想象力、陶冶情操。我們介紹給父母幾個有聲有色教孩子唱兒歌的技巧。 一、首先內容要和孩子的生活緊密聯系,不同的地域的文化是不同的,選擇孩子能理...
2012-03-26 -
(圖片來自領育網親子相冊) 一 橫著它是一,豎著它是1。 排名當大哥,數數算小弟。 二 上橫短來下橫長,二成對來兩成雙。 一雙鞋子兩隻腳,一對老虎兩隻羊。 三 一橫長,二橫短,再加一橫變成三。 三...
2010-09-21 -
1. Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near, Mammy's lady, And that's very clear. 不要吵,小寶寶, 爸爸陪你來睡覺; 媽媽不是男子漢...
2011-09-02 -
動物兒歌(五) rabbit、rabbit 跳跳跳 bird、bird 天上飛 turtle、turtle 爬呀爬 fish、fish 水中游 動物兒歌(六) elephant、elephant大...
2012-05-02 -
【英文兒歌】O Christmas Tree
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, How ever green your branches! O Christmas tree, O Christmas tr...
2012-06-30 -
【英文兒歌】Five Little Monkeys
Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor,a...
2012-06-29 -
【英文兒歌】Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree
Under the spreading chestnut tree, There we sit both you and me. Oh,how happy we will be! Under th...
2012-06-29 -
【英文兒歌】Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill, One name Jack,one named Jill. Fly away,Jack,Fly away,Jill...
2012-06-29 -
【英文兒歌】Angels Watching Over Me
All night,all day, Angels watching over me,my Lord. All night,all day, Angels watching over me. Su...
2012-06-29 -
【英文兒歌】Little Goldfish
Little Goldfish Pretty little goldfish come and go, Swimming in the sunshine to and fro. To and fr...
2012-06-30 -
【英文兒歌】Six Little Ducks
Six little ducks that I once knew, Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too, But the one little duck w...
2012-06-30 -
【英文兒歌】How is the Weather?
How is the weather? It's a fine day. How is the weather? It's a cloudy day. How is the weather? It...
2012-06-30 -
【英文兒歌】We Wish You a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, We wish you a Merry Christmas, And a...
2012-06-30 -
Hickety,pickety,my black hen, She lays eggs for gentlemen, Sometimes nine and sometimes ten. Hicke...
2012-07-03 -
【英文兒歌】:Jimmy Crack Corn
Jimmy crack corn and I don't care. Jimmy crack corn and I don't care. Jimmy crack corn and I don't...
2012-07-03 -
【英文兒歌】:Honkey Pokey
You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake...