4歲寶寶的兒歌有哪些?父母可以在這個時候適當給寶寶聽一些嬰兒歌曲,這樣有助於寶寶以後學習英語,找到英語語感。因此我們推薦幾首經典的英文兒歌:1.Thebutterfly flyfly fly , t...
2017-02-17 -
1 關於天氣的英文兒歌 《The weather song》 How is the weather? It's a fine day. How is the weather? It's a c...
2016-12-26 -
1 昆蟲的英文兒歌 《昆蟲世界》 漂亮的蝴蝶怎樣說,漂亮的蝴蝶這樣說,butterfly 勤勞的蜜蜂怎樣說,勤勞的蜜蜂這樣說,bee 憨厚的蝸牛怎樣說,憨厚的蝸牛這樣說,snail 大...
2016-12-27 -
1 關於春天的英文兒歌 《Spring Song》 Hello dear robin in the tree Will you sing a song for me? Yes,I will...
2016-12-22 -
英文兒歌row,row,row your boat 小船搖啊搖
歌詞 Row, row, row your boat, 劃啊劃,劃啊劃,劃大船, gently down the stream. 輕輕進入夢鄉裡。 Merrily, merr...
2016-08-05 -
1 關於顏色的英文兒歌: 《Color song》 Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green stand up. Red,Yellow,Blue,and Green turn aro...
2016-12-14 -
2歲寶寶的兒歌有很多,其實家長在這個時段可以適當給寶寶一些英文兒歌聽一聽。寶寶正在模仿階段,多聽英文兒歌,有助於寶寶以後學習英語 我們推薦給寶寶聽得英文兒歌有這幾首:英文兒歌《Here I Come...
2017-02-21 -
1 早教英文兒歌:1歲之前 《How are you?》你好嗎? Hello. 你好 Hello, How are you? 你好,你怎麼樣? I am hungry. 我餓了...
2017-01-04 -
關於幼兒啟蒙的英文歌曲很多,有兒童英文數位歌,也有動畫,童話等。今天小編為您分享一首與hBalloons氣球Balloons can fly.I wander why.我想知道,為什麼氣球可以飛起?...
2017-02-28 -
1 六一兒童節的英文歌:英文兒歌 兒童節 Children's Day poster children's songs 記憶裡永遠的童年 Forever in memory of c...
2016-05-10 -
(圖片來自網路) 1、Met A Barber He next met a barber, With powder and wig, He played him a tune, And he sha...
2010-09-17 -
1、Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一閃一閃小星星 Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 一閃一閃小星星, How I wonder what...
2010-11-22 -
1、Six Little Ducks 六隻小鴨子 Six little ducks that I once knew, Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too,...
2010-12-14 -
1、 Father father 是爸爸, 爸爸買來大西瓜。 Mother mother 是媽媽, 媽媽總愛把我誇。 Son son 是兒子, 我是一個好孩子。 Father father 是爸...
2010-12-08 -
1、The Tune of The Four Seasons Warm spring, hot summer, Golden autumn, silver winter, Spring comes...
2011-05-23 -
【英文兒歌】Days of the Month
英文兒歌:Days of the Month 英文: Days of the Month Thirty days have September,April,June,and November. A...
2011-07-06 -
【英文兒歌】My Bonnie
英文兒歌:My Bonnie 英文: My Bonnie My Bonnie lies over the ocean, My Bonnie lies over the sea, My Bonnie...
2011-07-06 -
【英文兒歌】My Brother and I
英文兒歌:My Brother and I 英文: My Brother and I My brother and I, He's asleep. I'm awake. My brother an...
2011-07-06 -
【英文兒歌】Go to sleep
英文兒歌:搖籃曲Go to sleep Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above. Sweet blossoms white and red s...
2011-07-06 -
【英文兒歌】I am a big happy ball
I'm a big happy ball I'm a big happy ball, I'm round but not tall, I like bouncing onto the wall,...